Thursday, December 18, 2008

Acceptance or Authenticity?

Acceptance or Authenticity?

Question: What is your aim in life? Acceptance, or Authenticity?

Whats the difference?

Well, the difference is the way we live our lives as followers of Christ. To live your life in the acceptance realm, you answer the question: How far can I go and still call myself a Christian? You seem to want to be a christian, but you also want to be well liked by your peers. You might go to church, you might play the part well, but you are hanging on for dear life because eventually the sin will pull you totally away. You are playing the part very well.

Or is your aim in life Authenticity? When you're being authentic, you answer the question How Holy Can I be? You desire to live a life that is pure, a life that is righteous, holy and pleasing to God.

I feel like all to often, we as Christ followers, desire to be liked. We want to sit on the fence. We look great on the outside, but inside we are just desiring to be accepted and not really desiring to be authentic.

Jesus desires us to be authentic in every way, in every area of our life. Our life goal should be, "How Holy Can I Be?" As you go through your day today, ask yourself this question: Are you living to be an accepted Christian, or an authentic Christian?

Be Blessed,

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Not about us

God made a very real truth clear to me today for the first time, and it has changed my outlook on a lot.  I have always known that life is not about me, it's not about us, and it's all about Him! However, I never really thought about that concept in the midst of trials.  The truth God made clear to me is that even in OUR trials, everything is still about Him.  Even in our trials, it's not about us.  I am going to leave you with that for the day. I know it is a short post, but it is a meaty truth that I believe you'll need to chew on for a while.  

Remember, in our trials, it is still all about Him.

Be Blessed,