Thursday, February 12, 2009

Consider Jacob...

God really placed the story of Jacob and Rachel on my heart this morning as I got into my office, and almost felt like burdened today to do work, to love God. I know it is a sinful thought to feel burdened to love God, but sometimes in full time ministry, you get so worked up, it turns into a job, in stead of a passion, and for a few brief moments it was that for me this morning. However, as I opened my devotionals, and my Word, God quickly changed that.

He pointed me to Genesis where it talks about Jacob, and his desperate love for Rachel. He would do anything to have her hand in marriage and he worked for 7 years straight, but the Word tells us to Jacob, those years seemed like a few days. You remember the first time you fell in love with your spouse, it is a joyful time you would do anything for him or her, and it did not matter how long it would take. I would encourage you to consider the attitude of Jacob with your spouse daily, as well as your children!

The most important to love the way Jacob loved Rachel is Jesus!! It is not a burden to do ministry, it is not a burden to love God!! IT is a blessing!!! It is a complete Joy to be in a relationship with the REAL, LOVING GOD who showed His love for us on the cross some 2000 years ago!! Do not treat God as something that takes up your time, ENJOY LOVING THE LORD every second of everyday!!!

His yoke is Easy, and His Burden is light. Take this truth with you today- Love God as Jacob Loved Rachel. Desire God as Jacob Desired much so that He would do anything joyfully for her...go today, and do everything joyfully for Him!!! Praying for you!

Be Blessed,

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