This post is a workshop that was led by Matt Chandler- he was talking about the processes of discipleship- Mechanical vs Organic! I found it very interesting, and I hope you do as well!
DownLine Summit Workshop #2
Matt Chandler
Matthew 28:16 cross reference with Luke 24:50 (ascension)
"I need to tell you about Jesus, when do you wanna do that?"
Matthew 28:16-20
- You are not the pinnacle of Christian existence
- People in groups does not equate discipleship- people get in groups to watch sports, the grammy's and what not..
- Darren Patrick's book CHURCH PLANTER
Mechanical Liner Discipleship Model: A liner approach to discipleship that has at its heart a transfer of knowledge
1. No better way to transfer information and get people to learn bible and theology
2. Historical success
3. Tons of curriculum
4. Easy to measure
5. Easy to motivate
6. Lends itself to great theology
1. Hard to sustain- starts big, grows small
2. Lead to coldness- people who know what's right but have no idea on how to apply it to their lives, therefore they judge others who cannot apply it their lives
3. Might create the theology police
3. Lends itself primary to the mechanical, linear and mathematical types
4. Programs become very sacred
"Honor Older Saints"- Matt Chandler
Organic Model- Connect people relationally and it'll happen
1. Seems to yield the best results, and people stick because of the authentic community- relational connection
2. Appeal to a broader group of personality types
1. We are all sinners- if we are not intentionally maturing, we won't mature
2. It's nearly impossible to measure
3. Nearly impossible to control
What they do at the Village Church: The Greenhouse (use both of the pro sections, and avoid the cons)
1. Creating an air that celebrates life transformation and change (sanctification is progressive)
- It's okay to be okay, its just not okay to stay there. - the cross is evidence that God knew how messed up we were going to be
2. We want to create a lot of on ramps, and off ramps-
3. Keep it flexible- the mission (the holy scriptures, and the redemption of his people) of God is sacred, nothing else is.
4. A relational aspect to everything you do
5. Discipleship takes time
"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
DownLine Men's Conference Recap #1
This weekend we made a lengthy trip from Columbia to Memphis, TN with some of our HS guys for the DownLine Men's Summit. It was incredible. I was overwhelmed with the incredible wealth of knowledge that was poured into me, and our guys. We had such a great time- over the next few blog posts, I want to just share with you some of what I learned. These are literally my notes that I typed out- Hopefully they will be of some value to you! By the way, if you do not know what DownLine Ministries is...please check it out- it's an incredible ministry:
The first night we were there, Matt Chandler, pastor at The Village Church, spoke on making disciples not converts! Here is what stuck out to me:
Disciples Not Converts
Matt Chandler
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Discipleship is not a NT idea- it traces all the way back to creation- Adam was not to be alone- Eve is made a help mate-
Discipleship takes place best in community and at its best in the family (home) community!
Three Components of discipleship in OT:
1. Communal Piece 2. Proclamation Piece 3. Study Piece (scribes)
We water down the word, and the sharpness of the Word out of fear that we might not get conversions.
No one is worried about the seeker sensitive message in the BIble- "Peter's first message...Jesus, who YOU killed."
Refuse to give time to a brother who is not ready to work at discipleship
Jesus is a loving rebuker
The tool that must be used to create mature disciples is the Gospel
1. Teach people to use the weapons of grace against sin
- The Blood of Jesus- Eph 2:13
- The Word of God - 2 Tim 3:16
- Promise of the New Covenant- Hebrews 9:14
2. Teach people to attack the roots, not just the branches
- Get into the hearts of each other- communal aspect
3. Teach people when they sin, they sin against God.
- Difference between worldly sorrow and Godly repentance
- Worldly sorrow is "i did that and my wife is angry"
- Godly repentance is "I did that and God is angry...i sinned against God."
- Have a healthy fear of God and a healthy respect for His presence
4. Teach people not to forsake sin, but understand they're dead to sin.
- Colossians 3: press into the Lord, know the Lord, walk with the Lord, serve the Lord, and then put to death sin...
- Nothing makes you seriously look at your heart like understanding your mortality. You're gonna die.
- What stirs your affection for Jesus Christ?
5. Teach men to be violent about sin
- God has made man aggressive- use that violence and aggression towards your SIN!
- There is a cost to a man's rebellion against God
- Christianity is the weak version it is in the west because men are not violent enough! (against sin)
This weekend we made a lengthy trip from Columbia to Memphis, TN with some of our HS guys for the DownLine Men's Summit. It was incredible. I was overwhelmed with the incredible wealth of knowledge that was poured into me, and our guys. We had such a great time- over the next few blog posts, I want to just share with you some of what I learned. These are literally my notes that I typed out- Hopefully they will be of some value to you! By the way, if you do not know what DownLine Ministries is...please check it out- it's an incredible ministry:
The first night we were there, Matt Chandler, pastor at The Village Church, spoke on making disciples not converts! Here is what stuck out to me:
Disciples Not Converts
Matt Chandler
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Discipleship is not a NT idea- it traces all the way back to creation- Adam was not to be alone- Eve is made a help mate-
Discipleship takes place best in community and at its best in the family (home) community!
Three Components of discipleship in OT:
1. Communal Piece 2. Proclamation Piece 3. Study Piece (scribes)
We water down the word, and the sharpness of the Word out of fear that we might not get conversions.
No one is worried about the seeker sensitive message in the BIble- "Peter's first message...Jesus, who YOU killed."
Refuse to give time to a brother who is not ready to work at discipleship
Jesus is a loving rebuker
The tool that must be used to create mature disciples is the Gospel
1. Teach people to use the weapons of grace against sin
- The Blood of Jesus- Eph 2:13
- The Word of God - 2 Tim 3:16
- Promise of the New Covenant- Hebrews 9:14
2. Teach people to attack the roots, not just the branches
- Get into the hearts of each other- communal aspect
3. Teach people when they sin, they sin against God.
- Difference between worldly sorrow and Godly repentance
- Worldly sorrow is "i did that and my wife is angry"
- Godly repentance is "I did that and God is angry...i sinned against God."
- Have a healthy fear of God and a healthy respect for His presence
4. Teach people not to forsake sin, but understand they're dead to sin.
- Colossians 3: press into the Lord, know the Lord, walk with the Lord, serve the Lord, and then put to death sin...
- Nothing makes you seriously look at your heart like understanding your mortality. You're gonna die.
- What stirs your affection for Jesus Christ?
5. Teach men to be violent about sin
- God has made man aggressive- use that violence and aggression towards your SIN!
- There is a cost to a man's rebellion against God
- Christianity is the weak version it is in the west because men are not violent enough! (against sin)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Lengthy Project
It is finished...

This was the last piece I laid today of our hardwood floors! It was a lengthy project, and in all honesty, there is still more to do but it's all minor! The major work has been completed!
We started this project in the middle of December, and finally, we are nearly completed. I so wanted to finish earlier, but life happens. Christmas vacation, church services, retreats, and basically just life in general had to go on, so finding time to do floors was few and far between, and the result was a several month project.
My point in all of this is to tell you that I feel like we do this a lot in our walk with Christ! We commit to doing something such as reading the bible in a year, or praying more each day, or giving more of our time...and all of a sudden what was supposed to be a quick project turns into an unfinished commitment. What commitments have you made to Christ lately that have been left undone? Whatever they are, I challenge you to finish those commitments. Why? Well, simply put, Christ finished his commitment to us on the cross and said, "it is finished."
Be blessed,

This was the last piece I laid today of our hardwood floors! It was a lengthy project, and in all honesty, there is still more to do but it's all minor! The major work has been completed!
We started this project in the middle of December, and finally, we are nearly completed. I so wanted to finish earlier, but life happens. Christmas vacation, church services, retreats, and basically just life in general had to go on, so finding time to do floors was few and far between, and the result was a several month project.
My point in all of this is to tell you that I feel like we do this a lot in our walk with Christ! We commit to doing something such as reading the bible in a year, or praying more each day, or giving more of our time...and all of a sudden what was supposed to be a quick project turns into an unfinished commitment. What commitments have you made to Christ lately that have been left undone? Whatever they are, I challenge you to finish those commitments. Why? Well, simply put, Christ finished his commitment to us on the cross and said, "it is finished."
Be blessed,
Friday, February 4, 2011
James, James, and more James!
I know it has been forever since I have blogged, and by forever, I mean well over a year...but as I have been doing my personal devotionals, and studying God's Word, and praying lately, God has directed me back outlet to share what God is doing in my life, and my prayer is that you will be challenged, and encouraged by it.
For the last several months, with our HS and MS students we have been studying the book of James, and this Sunday morning we will close out our 3 month study on James, and it has been incredibly challenging to me as I have studied James nearly everyday for 90+ days. The common theme God has shown me from this text is simply this: Faith without works is dead. True saving faith will be accompanied by works. Am I saying that we are saved by works? No, not at all. We are saved by grace alone, and its only through what Christ did on the cross that I am able to claim victory over Satan...however, once I claim that victory, there ought to be evidence of that victory in our lives!
We are not saved by our works...they are simply our response to our salvation. When we truly know what God has done for us, and understand the fullness of grace that is represented in the Gospel, our response ought to be to worship Him. We ought to want to produce fruit, to be like Christ, to love one another, to encourage one another, to pray for one another, and to lead others into that same relationship with Christ that we have entered into!
So let me ask you a question that God has asked me daily through my studying of the book of your faith accompanied by works? Is there physical evidence of a saving relationship of Jesus Christ in your life? I challenge you to search your heart, search the scriptures, and truthfully answer that question!
If you haven't ever studied the book of James, I encourage you to do so. Read James everyday for 3 months, and see how God turns your relationship with Him upside down!
Be Blessed,
For the last several months, with our HS and MS students we have been studying the book of James, and this Sunday morning we will close out our 3 month study on James, and it has been incredibly challenging to me as I have studied James nearly everyday for 90+ days. The common theme God has shown me from this text is simply this: Faith without works is dead. True saving faith will be accompanied by works. Am I saying that we are saved by works? No, not at all. We are saved by grace alone, and its only through what Christ did on the cross that I am able to claim victory over Satan...however, once I claim that victory, there ought to be evidence of that victory in our lives!
We are not saved by our works...they are simply our response to our salvation. When we truly know what God has done for us, and understand the fullness of grace that is represented in the Gospel, our response ought to be to worship Him. We ought to want to produce fruit, to be like Christ, to love one another, to encourage one another, to pray for one another, and to lead others into that same relationship with Christ that we have entered into!
So let me ask you a question that God has asked me daily through my studying of the book of your faith accompanied by works? Is there physical evidence of a saving relationship of Jesus Christ in your life? I challenge you to search your heart, search the scriptures, and truthfully answer that question!
If you haven't ever studied the book of James, I encourage you to do so. Read James everyday for 3 months, and see how God turns your relationship with Him upside down!
Be Blessed,
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