This was the last piece I laid today of our hardwood floors! It was a lengthy project, and in all honesty, there is still more to do but it's all minor! The major work has been completed!
We started this project in the middle of December, and finally, we are nearly completed. I so wanted to finish earlier, but life happens. Christmas vacation, church services, retreats, and basically just life in general had to go on, so finding time to do floors was few and far between, and the result was a several month project.
My point in all of this is to tell you that I feel like we do this a lot in our walk with Christ! We commit to doing something such as reading the bible in a year, or praying more each day, or giving more of our time...and all of a sudden what was supposed to be a quick project turns into an unfinished commitment. What commitments have you made to Christ lately that have been left undone? Whatever they are, I challenge you to finish those commitments. Why? Well, simply put, Christ finished his commitment to us on the cross and said, "it is finished."
Be blessed,
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