Thursday, March 3, 2011

DownLine Summit Recap 3

One of my favorite lessons to teach and to listen to! This was one of my favorite sessions because it was taught by a layperson! A layperson is making disciples...what a concept! We have lowered the standards of a layperson, and this is an example of what should be the norm! Way to go, JB!

DownLine Summit- Session 6
JB Selecman
Multiplication- The Genius of Jesus' Strategy

The World: 7 billion people on planet earth
2.5 billion people have never heard the gospel
1 billion people do not know Jesus
95% of people are in the 10/40 Window
Every second 3 people die on planet earth without know Jesus Christ.

What's the difference between what they are doing and what we are doing today?
- Is Jesus the same: Yes
- Is The Holy Spirit the same: Yes
- Is the Bible the same: No, we have a completed NT.

Whats the difference? The Strategy

- See the masses through the man, and build the man to reach the masses.

The strategy was centered around one phrase: Disciple of Jesus Christ

Mathetes (Greek) (269 times in NT)
World visionary, world impacting, radically committed, learner, and follower, and reproducer of Jesus Christ.

Snapshot of the Early Church:
- Acts 2:41, Acts 2:47, Acts 5:14- ADDITION
- Acts 6:1, Acts 6:7, Acts 9:31- MULTIPLICATION

2 Timothy 2:2

4 Generations- Paul, Timothy, Faithful Men, Others

Strategic and Intentional Relationships

4 Concepts from 2 Tim 2:2
1. Heard- 2 Tim 3:10-11
- Doctrine: 2 Tim 1:13
- Conduct: Philippians 3:8
- Purpose: Philippians 1:21/ Galatians 2:20
- Faith: 2 Timothy 4
- Patience: 1 Thess. 2:18/ Acts 16:6
- Love: 2 Timothy 1:2, and 2 Timothy 2:1
- Persecution, Perseverance, and Sufferings : 2 Corinthians 11
Timothy did not just hear audibly from Paul, he experienced life on mission with Paul

2. Entrust

3. Faithful Men
- You cannot carve rotten wood
- Faithful Available Teachable


Be blessed,

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