Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday Morning Recap

Well, Yesterday, and on Wednesday night we started a new series that we will be doing in Youth Worship all throughout the summer on the book of Habakkuk! The series came out of the Village Church, which is the church that Matt Chandler leads. It was incredibly eye opening to me as I was listening to it each week, and I knew the Lord wanted me to take our students through this often overlooked book!

Yesterday, we looked at how dangerous it can be when we are silent with God, and with one another. What I love most about Habakkuk is that he was honest with God. What would your life be like if you were just honest with God, and with one another? Truth is, our lives would be radically different!

The truth is that God wants us to be honest with Him, even in the times when we are frustrated and upset with Him, He would rather we tell Him, and be honest, than try to hide and cover up something that is impossible to cover up before the Creator. He sees all, knows all, and is in all...that's just who He is.

So just a simple blog post about being honest with God, and one another. So a simple question to end this post...are you honest with God? Are you honest with people? Focus on the Cross, and honesty with God will be one of your favorite things to do!

Be Blessed,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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