I was sitting in church Saturday night and the preacher began to give the message on this idea of evanglism, and inviting people to know Christ. He showed a video that is the best argument I have ever heard for sharing the Gospel...however there is something extremely ironic about the video.
I am unsure if you have heard of Penn and Tellar, they are illusionists who perform in Vegas nightly. Once you see Penn on the video, I am sure you will know who he is- He is a world reknown ATHEIEST and in this video, he gives the best argument for sharing the Gospel I have ever heard, and it comes from an atheist. Please, before you read anymore, stop, and go watch this video.
Are you as amazing as I was after watching that video? Now, I know he says he is a professed atheist, and HE KNOWS there is no God, however, I can tell, by watching that video, God is working on his heart. I would encourage you to pray for him daily. However, that is not the best thing about the video- what great points he makes in regards to sharing the Gospel!!
I mean if we are 100% sure that there is a Heaven, and a Hell, yet we do not tell anyone...it doesn't make sense!! I love the quote, "How much do you have to hate someone to know that they are heading to hell, and not tell them about the love of Jesus and eternal live in heaven!!" I mean I love that truck analogy...I mean if a truck is bearing down on a person, and you've been telling them and telling them but they're not listening, it gets to a point when you just TACKLE them so they don't get hit by a truck...and this is wayy more important than that. This is the difference between eternal paradise, and eternal damnation!! What a plea for sharing the Gospel!!
My challenge to you, who do you need to share the Gospel with, or TACKLE? Has it got to that point with someone yet? Pray about it. Love you guys.
Be Blessed,
1 comment:
Awesome video of Penn. Definitely illustrates why sharing the Gospel should be a priority!
Rob Goudy - Southaven
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