Unite is always incredible. This is the third year we have taken a group of students down to the beach for a week, for what we call, "Unite." However, something was different about this year, and I still am struggling to put my finger on what was so different. I am not sure if it was the weight of the Holy Spirit that was there from the very beginning, the desire of our students to truly know Christ more, or what, but never the less, something was different about this year. From the very beginning, God began to do work, and change lives...it was truly incredible. I have never been a part of something that was so life changing.
On Sunday night, Eric Samuel Timm (www.nooneunderground.com) kicked off our week and challenged our students to restore relationships among themselves, and allow Jesus to be repainted to them throughout the week. That is exactly what happened. Our students restored relationships with one another, as did our adults, and the floodgates were open for Jesus to begin to do some incredible things, and He didn't leave us hanging. It was the perfect way to begin our week, Thank you Eric for allowing the spirit to use you!
Monday morning we began our day with a Sand Castle Competition, and I must say, I was impressed with some of the castles, and rather impressed with some of the groups creativity in creating, well the Empty Tomb, and a plane crash! :) Whatever our students created, they all did a great job of working together to accomplish a goal!
Monday night was an incredible time of worship with the Starlit Drive, as they did an amazing job of leading us to the throne, and Shawn Spickler brought the Word about remembering our God is mighty to save, and He is bigger than all your doubts, fears, and struggles! Late night Monday night was amazing! We brought in PK from Atlanta, and they put on a show! It was incredible! They are so talented, and their lyrics are amazing! Thank you Marlon, and LaSonna for sharing your gift with us! (www.pkallday.com)
Tuesday morning we had our first morning session to recap what we did the night before, and Sarah D'Attoma, and Michael Allen did an awesome job leading us into throne! We dove a little deeper into Zephaniah 3:17 and really saw just how mighty our God actually is!
Tuesday afternoon at Unite means one thing: PAINT. This year, we decided to do paint dodgeball, and what a time it was. Despite the balls being incredibly difficult to throw, our students had a great attitude about it, and were rather surprised when I threw out noodles for them to use, and the free for all paint war of Unite 2K11 began! It was a spectacle to see!
Tuesday night, we worshipped, dug into the word, talked about renewing our minds, and controlling our thoughts. Shonn Keels from Team Impact joined us to bring the Word, and did an amazing job. It was so cool to see students hearts being changed by worship, and by the Word! We settled in late night Tuesday night for an outdoor movie night, as some healing, and growing took place in some lives, while others enjoyed "Despicable Me."
Wednesday was the pinnacle of Unite 2K11. It started off with a morning session that the presence of God, and Spirit were so evident, it was so thick in the room that I knew God was going to do incredible things on this day, and He did. We talked about dominated our thought life, and keeping as far away from sin as possible. Wednesday afternoon, we took our group picture, and then served the retreat center! I have never been more proud of our students, and the efforts they gave in that heat.
Now, if you told me before hand that Wednesday night session would be the pinnacle of this week, I would have called you crazy, and I would have been dead wrong, because it definitely was. There are no words to describe what Wednesday night was like. It was filled with the Spirit of God more than ever before. Students were surrendering everything they had to Jesus Christ. It was so evident that God was working in everyone's lives in that room that night. Students had the opportunity to nail to the cross a "Hello, my name is _____ label" and claim off of the cross a "Cursed but redeemed" label, which they are to keep with them at all times to help them realize that is where we are to live. In the state that we are cursed, so cursed, but we are redeemed not by what we did, but by what Jesus did! And if evening session wasn't amazing enough, Late night got even better. We had planned to do the late night slip n slide, but with the spirit being so evident, and GOd doing so much work, the Spirit led me to make a decision and change it to late night worship, and I am so grateful God led me to do that, because the late night worship session, was beyond words. Students were throwing everything they had in worship to Jesus Christ. It was incredible to see!
By Thursday morning, students had started to think about going home, and sadness began to sit in, however, we had one day left, and God was going to make it clear that He was not done yet, and that is exactly what He did! Anita did an incredible job bringing the Word during morning session on Thursday, Paige and James led our students in worship as some of us others made our way down to the beach for our senior session! We Challenged our graduates, worshipped with them, and prayed with them. It was a special time!
Thursday afternoon came around, and it was time for our beach baptisms...and it was a powerful testimony as we baptized 21 students in the ocean, with hundreds of people standing around watching the Holy Spirit literally change lives before their eyes! We had one student, Hunter, who was not even on our trip or with one of groups, but was just watching our students be baptized, and He felt the Spirit leading him to make that decision as well, since He just accepted Christ a few weeks earlier. It was so neat to be a part of. I was so proud of our students.
Thursday night was where everything came to a head. It was again, passionate, exciting, incredible time in Worship and the Word, and we finished out the week on the beach, praying together, worshipping together, and thinking about who we really need to REpaint Jesus too when we arrived home. It was an incredible way to end, and incredible week.
I need to take some time and thank some people:
First, my Jesus, I love you so much. Just over 10 years ago, when you came into my life, I never thought you could be so incredible, and you continue to amaze me more and more. Thank you for your grace, and your neverending love that never fails. I do this for you, and only so that YOU receive the glory.
My wife, Sarah. You are an incredible wife. You are the most amazing women of God in the world, and you bring me so much joy, and our home so much life! You are a women of prayer, and support. I am so thankful, and blessed to call you my wife, and to serve with you. I love you so much.
My youth pastor, Kennon Vaughan. KV, you inspired me to allow God to use me to change lives, and you made such an impact in my life, I am doing everything in His power to allow Him to change me and use me daily!
My best friend, and Discipler, Danny. DH, you taught me everything I know about the Word, and the importance of discipleship. You taught me most of what I know about Student Ministry. You are my best friend man, and I am so thankful for you in my life!
My Assistant, Anita. NEEDS!!! STUART!!! :) You are amazing! I am so blessed to serve with you, and so thankful you put up with me! Thank you for all you do, and the support you give me behind the scenes of our ministry.
My Student Ministry Leadership Team! Y'all are incredible. Enough said. You make this ministry go. You pour into students, and love on students like I've never seen before. You sacrifice your time and energy to see students lives changed. You partner with me in living out the vision that God has given us for this ministry. You keep me accountable, and support me. You teach me so much as I continue to learn and grow. You trust me as I am trusting Christ, and that means the world to me. You always have my back, and I know that, and please know, I always have yours. I love y'all so so much, and am so honored to serve with you.
Our Student's Parents: Simply put, Thank you. Thank you for allowing us to assist you as you lead your students towards the cross! Thank you for trusting us as we attempt to love on your students, and help them grow and mature in their walk with Christ. Thank you for providing snacks on Sunday mornings, and reading my sometimes pointless monday morning emails! Thank you for raising some amazing teenagers who we love so much!
And Finally, our STUDENTS. I love y'all so much! I am so proud of each of you! I am so proud to be your youth pastor, and watch Christ transform you daily! Thank you for your openness this past week at Unite, and I know you were blessed because of it! I am so excited to see God transform our church, this city, this state, and this world through y'all! It is an honor to serve you on a daily basis! You truly are the best students in the world, and I sincerely love each of you, and am so proud of you.
Well, Unite 2K11 is in the books. That's a wrap. It was incredible, and it will never be forgotten. But with the end of Unite 2K11 means one thing: Time to start planning for Unite 2012! See you there!
Be Blessed,
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"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Monday, June 20, 2011
Monday Morning Recap
Well, Yesterday, and on Wednesday night we started a new series that we will be doing in Youth Worship all throughout the summer on the book of Habakkuk! The series came out of the Village Church, which is the church that Matt Chandler leads. It was incredibly eye opening to me as I was listening to it each week, and I knew the Lord wanted me to take our students through this often overlooked book!
Yesterday, we looked at how dangerous it can be when we are silent with God, and with one another. What I love most about Habakkuk is that he was honest with God. What would your life be like if you were just honest with God, and with one another? Truth is, our lives would be radically different!
The truth is that God wants us to be honest with Him, even in the times when we are frustrated and upset with Him, He would rather we tell Him, and be honest, than try to hide and cover up something that is impossible to cover up before the Creator. He sees all, knows all, and is in all...that's just who He is.
So just a simple blog post about being honest with God, and one another. So a simple question to end this post...are you honest with God? Are you honest with people? Focus on the Cross, and honesty with God will be one of your favorite things to do!
Be Blessed,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Yesterday, we looked at how dangerous it can be when we are silent with God, and with one another. What I love most about Habakkuk is that he was honest with God. What would your life be like if you were just honest with God, and with one another? Truth is, our lives would be radically different!
The truth is that God wants us to be honest with Him, even in the times when we are frustrated and upset with Him, He would rather we tell Him, and be honest, than try to hide and cover up something that is impossible to cover up before the Creator. He sees all, knows all, and is in all...that's just who He is.
So just a simple blog post about being honest with God, and one another. So a simple question to end this post...are you honest with God? Are you honest with people? Focus on the Cross, and honesty with God will be one of your favorite things to do!
Be Blessed,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday Morning Recap
Well, it's Monday...it came again. It's like once every seven days, it happens again, and let me tell you, I am not a fan of Monday's. However, after a great Sunday, and an awesome dinner with my wife, and two of our students last night, it was easy to hop into the bed early, and get some seriously needed shut eye. It felt good to wake up this morning early, and head to the gym...trying to get myself back on track! It's going to happen!
Anyways, to recap yesterday, it was an incredible day with our graduates. The class of 2011...a very special class in our church. They will be truly missed. They're not the most outspoken group, well with the exception of one or two, but they were incredibly influential in so many ways. They will be greatly missed.
I challenged them from the book of Colossians on what to do now, now that they have graduated, what is next? Colossians 2:6-7 provides great insight on this question! If you'd like to hear the message, you can listen to it on iTunes, or at this website: www.northsidebaptist.org/belong/students. To briefly sum it up, I challenged them to walk in Him. It is now their time to make their faith their own. They can only live off of their parents faith for so long, and it is now time for Jesus to become real to them. For all of His mercy, His grace, His goodness, His glory to be revealed to them, and become real to them. I challenged them to know that God is enough, and He is always with them. Then we challenged them to continue to build off the foundation that has already been laid...we have done our best to lay the foundation of the scriptures in their lives, and its our prayer that they would build off of that daily. Read the Word. The Word can only change you if you read it! Study it! Memorize it! Live it! Love it! Nothing has changed my life more than an active love relationship with the word of God. Think about a love relationship in your life...how do you handle it? You pursue it. You think about it. You spend time trying to be with him/her. You are constantly doing anything you can to love that relationship- and that should be our attitude not only towards Jesus, but towards His Word as well. We should always be in a love relationship with His Word.
You want to see Jesus radically change your life, and your world? Read the Bible! It will change you!
Graduates, you are amazing. We are proud of you and we love you! Praying for you that God would do great things in and through you!
Be Blessed,
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Anyways, to recap yesterday, it was an incredible day with our graduates. The class of 2011...a very special class in our church. They will be truly missed. They're not the most outspoken group, well with the exception of one or two, but they were incredibly influential in so many ways. They will be greatly missed.
I challenged them from the book of Colossians on what to do now, now that they have graduated, what is next? Colossians 2:6-7 provides great insight on this question! If you'd like to hear the message, you can listen to it on iTunes, or at this website: www.northsidebaptist.org/belong/students. To briefly sum it up, I challenged them to walk in Him. It is now their time to make their faith their own. They can only live off of their parents faith for so long, and it is now time for Jesus to become real to them. For all of His mercy, His grace, His goodness, His glory to be revealed to them, and become real to them. I challenged them to know that God is enough, and He is always with them. Then we challenged them to continue to build off the foundation that has already been laid...we have done our best to lay the foundation of the scriptures in their lives, and its our prayer that they would build off of that daily. Read the Word. The Word can only change you if you read it! Study it! Memorize it! Live it! Love it! Nothing has changed my life more than an active love relationship with the word of God. Think about a love relationship in your life...how do you handle it? You pursue it. You think about it. You spend time trying to be with him/her. You are constantly doing anything you can to love that relationship- and that should be our attitude not only towards Jesus, but towards His Word as well. We should always be in a love relationship with His Word.
You want to see Jesus radically change your life, and your world? Read the Bible! It will change you!
Graduates, you are amazing. We are proud of you and we love you! Praying for you that God would do great things in and through you!
Be Blessed,
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Friday, May 20, 2011
Class of 2011
Each year, in a youth pastor's life, comes a time when they have to say goodbye, good luck, and thanks for being apart of our ministry to several students. That time has arrived for myself, and our ministry. This Sunday, we will be honoring our graduates of the class of 2011. I wanted to dedicate this post to them, and let them know how proud I am of them, and how excited I am to see what God is going to do in their lives over the course of the next several years, and many years to come.
This is going to be short and sweet, but please understand, and know: I am very proud of you, it has been an honor to serve you, and do life together with you for the past two years. You have been a blessing to have around our ministry, and each of you has added so much to our ministry. I am so excited to see what YOU are going to do for the Kingdom.
My encouragement to you is this: Stay strong, hold the faith, and lean on Christ in all things. Never trust yourself more than you trust Him. Never allow your pride to overshadow what Christ, and His grace is doing in your life. Never neglect your Bible reading time, always get in that Word, consistently. Pray, pray, pray, and when you think you've prayed enough, pray some more. Allow the power of His Word to change you, daily. Become more like Him, and less like the world. In the good times, praise Him, seek Him, and love Him. In the crappy times, praise Him, seek Him, and love Him. In all things, HE IS ENOUGH AND HE IS WORTHY. NEVER FORGET THAT!
Thanks for all you've done for me, and for our ministry, you will be missed.
Love you guys, and Congrats!
Be Blessed,
This is going to be short and sweet, but please understand, and know: I am very proud of you, it has been an honor to serve you, and do life together with you for the past two years. You have been a blessing to have around our ministry, and each of you has added so much to our ministry. I am so excited to see what YOU are going to do for the Kingdom.
My encouragement to you is this: Stay strong, hold the faith, and lean on Christ in all things. Never trust yourself more than you trust Him. Never allow your pride to overshadow what Christ, and His grace is doing in your life. Never neglect your Bible reading time, always get in that Word, consistently. Pray, pray, pray, and when you think you've prayed enough, pray some more. Allow the power of His Word to change you, daily. Become more like Him, and less like the world. In the good times, praise Him, seek Him, and love Him. In the crappy times, praise Him, seek Him, and love Him. In all things, HE IS ENOUGH AND HE IS WORTHY. NEVER FORGET THAT!
Thanks for all you've done for me, and for our ministry, you will be missed.
Love you guys, and Congrats!
Be Blessed,
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith
Well, my first wedding as the officiant is officially in the books! It was an incredible time of worship, commitment, and celebration of two people's love for one another, and for our creator. It was in a beautiful setting, with beautiful families and friends, and I was honored to be apart of it. I will be honest, I was incredibly nervous. I usually do not get nervous speaking in front of people, ever, no matter who, or how many people...however, someone's wedding day is a completely different idea than preaching! If I screw up while preaching, or really blow it, I get to try it again next weekend, however, with a wedding, for these people, it's their only shot! Therefore, the pressure was on! Prior to the wedding, I found myself making joke after joke, I guess to keep the mood loose, and my mind off the magnitude of the opportunity that God has provided me with, and my friends had entrusted to me!
Well, the time came, and the door opened, and it was time to make our way to the banquet hall where people were waiting, and expecting a beautiful ceremony! And you know what, that is exactly what we gave them! Michael and Megan, and their families, and friends, did amazing! It was beautiful!
To one of my best friends, Michael (not sure you'll ever read this) but it was an honor to be apart of your special day. I am incredibly proud of you, and proud to be your friend bro. Megan, (who probably will read this), you looked beautiful, and Michael is incredibly blessed to call you his wife! \
To the both of you, we are praying for you, always here for you, and remember- never lose that joy of your first date! :) Proud of y'all! Thanks again for allowing me to share in your day! Love ya'll!
Be blessed,
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Well, the time came, and the door opened, and it was time to make our way to the banquet hall where people were waiting, and expecting a beautiful ceremony! And you know what, that is exactly what we gave them! Michael and Megan, and their families, and friends, did amazing! It was beautiful!
To one of my best friends, Michael (not sure you'll ever read this) but it was an honor to be apart of your special day. I am incredibly proud of you, and proud to be your friend bro. Megan, (who probably will read this), you looked beautiful, and Michael is incredibly blessed to call you his wife! \
To the both of you, we are praying for you, always here for you, and remember- never lose that joy of your first date! :) Proud of y'all! Thanks again for allowing me to share in your day! Love ya'll!
Be blessed,
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Friday, May 13, 2011
A friends wedding !
Well, as I sit in the airport today waiting for a flight to Columbus, OH, I am reminded of the grace and mercy God continually shows me in my life! I am heading home to perform the wedding of one of my best friends from high school, Mike Smith. It is a completely humbling experience to be asked to perform their special day as they enter into their marriage. As I sit here with my lovely wife, it reminds me of our wedding day just under two years ago! I remember the nerves, the anxiety, the stress, the joy, the laughter, and the love that was celebrated at our wedding! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for Mike and Megan, but to y'all, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing me to be apart of your special day! See you in Ohio peeps!
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday, March 4, 2011
DownLine Mens Summit Recap 4
Loved this final session by Chandler!
DownLine Summit Final Session
Biblical Pragmatism
Matt Chandler
Matthew 5:13-16
- One of the problems we find in evangelical circles is an over emphasis of ONE thing at the expense of everything else.
Matthew 5:13-16- Most certainly is a passage on discipleship
- People do not like salt- they like what salt flavors
- Salt doesn't make people do crazy things- they want salt on something
- Salt on earth- what occurs when we hear the word of God and are transformed by the Word of God so that we live in such a way that we become light to the World
- Salt comes before light
- In our culture there is an obsession with acquiring more and more information that we have no intention of applying
- Christianity in the west has become a joke- "muslims are serious- talk about them, get yourself killed."
- We have information, but we do not have transformed lives-
- Anyone can spout information, but they have no life to point to
- If you have information, but not transformation- it is worthless- throw it out to be trampled on by men
How did we get here? (a place where we have information but not transformation)
1. A unnecessary emphasis on width over depth
- When people do not apply what they know, its hardening to the truth
- Can't teach people who can't add to multiply
2. Absolute lack of authentic community
- Two things we always need: 1) encouragement and 2) Rebuke
3. Lack of submission to and understanding of Biblical Authority
4. Overemphasis on light
- proclamation without transformed lives ends up being trampled on by men
5. We have no idea how people change because we live in a culture of speed
- Spiritual growth is not a super highway
- "It's climbing everest in your underwear"
- People grow like children- you can't see it, but you can measure it
If all we did here is get information, then we are guilty of the very problem that is eroding away what we want to see happen in the lives of the men we pour into!
When all said and done, WE WIN! The glory of God covers all the earth!
Be Blessed,
DownLine Summit Final Session
Biblical Pragmatism
Matt Chandler
Matthew 5:13-16
- One of the problems we find in evangelical circles is an over emphasis of ONE thing at the expense of everything else.
Matthew 5:13-16- Most certainly is a passage on discipleship
- People do not like salt- they like what salt flavors
- Salt doesn't make people do crazy things- they want salt on something
- Salt on earth- what occurs when we hear the word of God and are transformed by the Word of God so that we live in such a way that we become light to the World
- Salt comes before light
- In our culture there is an obsession with acquiring more and more information that we have no intention of applying
- Christianity in the west has become a joke- "muslims are serious- talk about them, get yourself killed."
- We have information, but we do not have transformed lives-
- Anyone can spout information, but they have no life to point to
- If you have information, but not transformation- it is worthless- throw it out to be trampled on by men
How did we get here? (a place where we have information but not transformation)
1. A unnecessary emphasis on width over depth
- When people do not apply what they know, its hardening to the truth
- Can't teach people who can't add to multiply
2. Absolute lack of authentic community
- Two things we always need: 1) encouragement and 2) Rebuke
3. Lack of submission to and understanding of Biblical Authority
4. Overemphasis on light
- proclamation without transformed lives ends up being trampled on by men
5. We have no idea how people change because we live in a culture of speed
- Spiritual growth is not a super highway
- "It's climbing everest in your underwear"
- People grow like children- you can't see it, but you can measure it
If all we did here is get information, then we are guilty of the very problem that is eroding away what we want to see happen in the lives of the men we pour into!
When all said and done, WE WIN! The glory of God covers all the earth!
Be Blessed,
Thursday, March 3, 2011
DownLine Summit Recap 3
One of my favorite lessons to teach and to listen to! This was one of my favorite sessions because it was taught by a layperson! A layperson is making disciples...what a concept! We have lowered the standards of a layperson, and this is an example of what should be the norm! Way to go, JB!
DownLine Summit- Session 6
JB Selecman
Multiplication- The Genius of Jesus' Strategy
The World: 7 billion people on planet earth
2.5 billion people have never heard the gospel
1 billion people do not know Jesus
95% of people are in the 10/40 Window
Every second 3 people die on planet earth without know Jesus Christ.
What's the difference between what they are doing and what we are doing today?
- Is Jesus the same: Yes
- Is The Holy Spirit the same: Yes
- Is the Bible the same: No, we have a completed NT.
Whats the difference? The Strategy
- See the masses through the man, and build the man to reach the masses.
The strategy was centered around one phrase: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Mathetes (Greek) (269 times in NT)
World visionary, world impacting, radically committed, learner, and follower, and reproducer of Jesus Christ.
Snapshot of the Early Church:
- Acts 2:41, Acts 2:47, Acts 5:14- ADDITION
- Acts 6:1, Acts 6:7, Acts 9:31- MULTIPLICATION
2 Timothy 2:2
4 Generations- Paul, Timothy, Faithful Men, Others
Strategic and Intentional Relationships
4 Concepts from 2 Tim 2:2
1. Heard- 2 Tim 3:10-11
- Doctrine: 2 Tim 1:13
- Conduct: Philippians 3:8
- Purpose: Philippians 1:21/ Galatians 2:20
- Faith: 2 Timothy 4
- Patience: 1 Thess. 2:18/ Acts 16:6
- Love: 2 Timothy 1:2, and 2 Timothy 2:1
- Persecution, Perseverance, and Sufferings : 2 Corinthians 11
Timothy did not just hear audibly from Paul, he experienced life on mission with Paul
2. Entrust
3. Faithful Men
- You cannot carve rotten wood
- Faithful Available Teachable
Be blessed,
DownLine Summit- Session 6
JB Selecman
Multiplication- The Genius of Jesus' Strategy
The World: 7 billion people on planet earth
2.5 billion people have never heard the gospel
1 billion people do not know Jesus
95% of people are in the 10/40 Window
Every second 3 people die on planet earth without know Jesus Christ.
What's the difference between what they are doing and what we are doing today?
- Is Jesus the same: Yes
- Is The Holy Spirit the same: Yes
- Is the Bible the same: No, we have a completed NT.
Whats the difference? The Strategy
- See the masses through the man, and build the man to reach the masses.
The strategy was centered around one phrase: Disciple of Jesus Christ
Mathetes (Greek) (269 times in NT)
World visionary, world impacting, radically committed, learner, and follower, and reproducer of Jesus Christ.
Snapshot of the Early Church:
- Acts 2:41, Acts 2:47, Acts 5:14- ADDITION
- Acts 6:1, Acts 6:7, Acts 9:31- MULTIPLICATION
2 Timothy 2:2
4 Generations- Paul, Timothy, Faithful Men, Others
Strategic and Intentional Relationships
4 Concepts from 2 Tim 2:2
1. Heard- 2 Tim 3:10-11
- Doctrine: 2 Tim 1:13
- Conduct: Philippians 3:8
- Purpose: Philippians 1:21/ Galatians 2:20
- Faith: 2 Timothy 4
- Patience: 1 Thess. 2:18/ Acts 16:6
- Love: 2 Timothy 1:2, and 2 Timothy 2:1
- Persecution, Perseverance, and Sufferings : 2 Corinthians 11
Timothy did not just hear audibly from Paul, he experienced life on mission with Paul
2. Entrust
3. Faithful Men
- You cannot carve rotten wood
- Faithful Available Teachable
Be blessed,
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
DownLine Men's Summit Recap 2
This post is a workshop that was led by Matt Chandler- he was talking about the processes of discipleship- Mechanical vs Organic! I found it very interesting, and I hope you do as well!
DownLine Summit Workshop #2
Matt Chandler
Matthew 28:16 cross reference with Luke 24:50 (ascension)
"I need to tell you about Jesus, when do you wanna do that?"
Matthew 28:16-20
- You are not the pinnacle of Christian existence
- People in groups does not equate discipleship- people get in groups to watch sports, the grammy's and what not..
- Darren Patrick's book CHURCH PLANTER
Mechanical Liner Discipleship Model: A liner approach to discipleship that has at its heart a transfer of knowledge
1. No better way to transfer information and get people to learn bible and theology
2. Historical success
3. Tons of curriculum
4. Easy to measure
5. Easy to motivate
6. Lends itself to great theology
1. Hard to sustain- starts big, grows small
2. Lead to coldness- people who know what's right but have no idea on how to apply it to their lives, therefore they judge others who cannot apply it their lives
3. Might create the theology police
3. Lends itself primary to the mechanical, linear and mathematical types
4. Programs become very sacred
"Honor Older Saints"- Matt Chandler
Organic Model- Connect people relationally and it'll happen
1. Seems to yield the best results, and people stick because of the authentic community- relational connection
2. Appeal to a broader group of personality types
1. We are all sinners- if we are not intentionally maturing, we won't mature
2. It's nearly impossible to measure
3. Nearly impossible to control
What they do at the Village Church: The Greenhouse (use both of the pro sections, and avoid the cons)
1. Creating an air that celebrates life transformation and change (sanctification is progressive)
- It's okay to be okay, its just not okay to stay there. - the cross is evidence that God knew how messed up we were going to be
2. We want to create a lot of on ramps, and off ramps-
3. Keep it flexible- the mission (the holy scriptures, and the redemption of his people) of God is sacred, nothing else is.
4. A relational aspect to everything you do
5. Discipleship takes time
DownLine Summit Workshop #2
Matt Chandler
Matthew 28:16 cross reference with Luke 24:50 (ascension)
"I need to tell you about Jesus, when do you wanna do that?"
Matthew 28:16-20
- You are not the pinnacle of Christian existence
- People in groups does not equate discipleship- people get in groups to watch sports, the grammy's and what not..
- Darren Patrick's book CHURCH PLANTER
Mechanical Liner Discipleship Model: A liner approach to discipleship that has at its heart a transfer of knowledge
1. No better way to transfer information and get people to learn bible and theology
2. Historical success
3. Tons of curriculum
4. Easy to measure
5. Easy to motivate
6. Lends itself to great theology
1. Hard to sustain- starts big, grows small
2. Lead to coldness- people who know what's right but have no idea on how to apply it to their lives, therefore they judge others who cannot apply it their lives
3. Might create the theology police
3. Lends itself primary to the mechanical, linear and mathematical types
4. Programs become very sacred
"Honor Older Saints"- Matt Chandler
Organic Model- Connect people relationally and it'll happen
1. Seems to yield the best results, and people stick because of the authentic community- relational connection
2. Appeal to a broader group of personality types
1. We are all sinners- if we are not intentionally maturing, we won't mature
2. It's nearly impossible to measure
3. Nearly impossible to control
What they do at the Village Church: The Greenhouse (use both of the pro sections, and avoid the cons)
1. Creating an air that celebrates life transformation and change (sanctification is progressive)
- It's okay to be okay, its just not okay to stay there. - the cross is evidence that God knew how messed up we were going to be
2. We want to create a lot of on ramps, and off ramps-
3. Keep it flexible- the mission (the holy scriptures, and the redemption of his people) of God is sacred, nothing else is.
4. A relational aspect to everything you do
5. Discipleship takes time
Monday, February 21, 2011
DownLine Men's Conference Recap #1
This weekend we made a lengthy trip from Columbia to Memphis, TN with some of our HS guys for the DownLine Men's Summit. It was incredible. I was overwhelmed with the incredible wealth of knowledge that was poured into me, and our guys. We had such a great time- over the next few blog posts, I want to just share with you some of what I learned. These are literally my notes that I typed out- Hopefully they will be of some value to you! By the way, if you do not know what DownLine Ministries is...please check it out- it's an incredible ministry: www.downlineministries.com
The first night we were there, Matt Chandler, pastor at The Village Church, spoke on making disciples not converts! Here is what stuck out to me:
Disciples Not Converts
Matt Chandler
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Discipleship is not a NT idea- it traces all the way back to creation- Adam was not to be alone- Eve is made a help mate-
Discipleship takes place best in community and at its best in the family (home) community!
Three Components of discipleship in OT:
1. Communal Piece 2. Proclamation Piece 3. Study Piece (scribes)
We water down the word, and the sharpness of the Word out of fear that we might not get conversions.
No one is worried about the seeker sensitive message in the BIble- "Peter's first message...Jesus, who YOU killed."
Refuse to give time to a brother who is not ready to work at discipleship
Jesus is a loving rebuker
The tool that must be used to create mature disciples is the Gospel
1. Teach people to use the weapons of grace against sin
- The Blood of Jesus- Eph 2:13
- The Word of God - 2 Tim 3:16
- Promise of the New Covenant- Hebrews 9:14
2. Teach people to attack the roots, not just the branches
- Get into the hearts of each other- communal aspect
3. Teach people when they sin, they sin against God.
- Difference between worldly sorrow and Godly repentance
- Worldly sorrow is "i did that and my wife is angry"
- Godly repentance is "I did that and God is angry...i sinned against God."
- Have a healthy fear of God and a healthy respect for His presence
4. Teach people not to forsake sin, but understand they're dead to sin.
- Colossians 3: press into the Lord, know the Lord, walk with the Lord, serve the Lord, and then put to death sin...
- Nothing makes you seriously look at your heart like understanding your mortality. You're gonna die.
- What stirs your affection for Jesus Christ?
5. Teach men to be violent about sin
- God has made man aggressive- use that violence and aggression towards your SIN!
- There is a cost to a man's rebellion against God
- Christianity is the weak version it is in the west because men are not violent enough! (against sin)
This weekend we made a lengthy trip from Columbia to Memphis, TN with some of our HS guys for the DownLine Men's Summit. It was incredible. I was overwhelmed with the incredible wealth of knowledge that was poured into me, and our guys. We had such a great time- over the next few blog posts, I want to just share with you some of what I learned. These are literally my notes that I typed out- Hopefully they will be of some value to you! By the way, if you do not know what DownLine Ministries is...please check it out- it's an incredible ministry: www.downlineministries.com
The first night we were there, Matt Chandler, pastor at The Village Church, spoke on making disciples not converts! Here is what stuck out to me:
Disciples Not Converts
Matt Chandler
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Discipleship is not a NT idea- it traces all the way back to creation- Adam was not to be alone- Eve is made a help mate-
Discipleship takes place best in community and at its best in the family (home) community!
Three Components of discipleship in OT:
1. Communal Piece 2. Proclamation Piece 3. Study Piece (scribes)
We water down the word, and the sharpness of the Word out of fear that we might not get conversions.
No one is worried about the seeker sensitive message in the BIble- "Peter's first message...Jesus, who YOU killed."
Refuse to give time to a brother who is not ready to work at discipleship
Jesus is a loving rebuker
The tool that must be used to create mature disciples is the Gospel
1. Teach people to use the weapons of grace against sin
- The Blood of Jesus- Eph 2:13
- The Word of God - 2 Tim 3:16
- Promise of the New Covenant- Hebrews 9:14
2. Teach people to attack the roots, not just the branches
- Get into the hearts of each other- communal aspect
3. Teach people when they sin, they sin against God.
- Difference between worldly sorrow and Godly repentance
- Worldly sorrow is "i did that and my wife is angry"
- Godly repentance is "I did that and God is angry...i sinned against God."
- Have a healthy fear of God and a healthy respect for His presence
4. Teach people not to forsake sin, but understand they're dead to sin.
- Colossians 3: press into the Lord, know the Lord, walk with the Lord, serve the Lord, and then put to death sin...
- Nothing makes you seriously look at your heart like understanding your mortality. You're gonna die.
- What stirs your affection for Jesus Christ?
5. Teach men to be violent about sin
- God has made man aggressive- use that violence and aggression towards your SIN!
- There is a cost to a man's rebellion against God
- Christianity is the weak version it is in the west because men are not violent enough! (against sin)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Lengthy Project
It is finished...

This was the last piece I laid today of our hardwood floors! It was a lengthy project, and in all honesty, there is still more to do but it's all minor! The major work has been completed!
We started this project in the middle of December, and finally, we are nearly completed. I so wanted to finish earlier, but life happens. Christmas vacation, church services, retreats, and basically just life in general had to go on, so finding time to do floors was few and far between, and the result was a several month project.
My point in all of this is to tell you that I feel like we do this a lot in our walk with Christ! We commit to doing something such as reading the bible in a year, or praying more each day, or giving more of our time...and all of a sudden what was supposed to be a quick project turns into an unfinished commitment. What commitments have you made to Christ lately that have been left undone? Whatever they are, I challenge you to finish those commitments. Why? Well, simply put, Christ finished his commitment to us on the cross and said, "it is finished."
Be blessed,

This was the last piece I laid today of our hardwood floors! It was a lengthy project, and in all honesty, there is still more to do but it's all minor! The major work has been completed!
We started this project in the middle of December, and finally, we are nearly completed. I so wanted to finish earlier, but life happens. Christmas vacation, church services, retreats, and basically just life in general had to go on, so finding time to do floors was few and far between, and the result was a several month project.
My point in all of this is to tell you that I feel like we do this a lot in our walk with Christ! We commit to doing something such as reading the bible in a year, or praying more each day, or giving more of our time...and all of a sudden what was supposed to be a quick project turns into an unfinished commitment. What commitments have you made to Christ lately that have been left undone? Whatever they are, I challenge you to finish those commitments. Why? Well, simply put, Christ finished his commitment to us on the cross and said, "it is finished."
Be blessed,
Friday, February 4, 2011
James, James, and more James!
I know it has been forever since I have blogged, and by forever, I mean well over a year...but as I have been doing my personal devotionals, and studying God's Word, and praying lately, God has directed me back here...an outlet to share what God is doing in my life, and my prayer is that you will be challenged, and encouraged by it.
For the last several months, with our HS and MS students we have been studying the book of James, and this Sunday morning we will close out our 3 month study on James, and it has been incredibly challenging to me as I have studied James nearly everyday for 90+ days. The common theme God has shown me from this text is simply this: Faith without works is dead. True saving faith will be accompanied by works. Am I saying that we are saved by works? No, not at all. We are saved by grace alone, and its only through what Christ did on the cross that I am able to claim victory over Satan...however, once I claim that victory, there ought to be evidence of that victory in our lives!
We are not saved by our works...they are simply our response to our salvation. When we truly know what God has done for us, and understand the fullness of grace that is represented in the Gospel, our response ought to be to worship Him. We ought to want to produce fruit, to be like Christ, to love one another, to encourage one another, to pray for one another, and to lead others into that same relationship with Christ that we have entered into!
So let me ask you a question that God has asked me daily through my studying of the book of James...is your faith accompanied by works? Is there physical evidence of a saving relationship of Jesus Christ in your life? I challenge you to search your heart, search the scriptures, and truthfully answer that question!
If you haven't ever studied the book of James, I encourage you to do so. Read James everyday for 3 months, and see how God turns your relationship with Him upside down!
Be Blessed,
For the last several months, with our HS and MS students we have been studying the book of James, and this Sunday morning we will close out our 3 month study on James, and it has been incredibly challenging to me as I have studied James nearly everyday for 90+ days. The common theme God has shown me from this text is simply this: Faith without works is dead. True saving faith will be accompanied by works. Am I saying that we are saved by works? No, not at all. We are saved by grace alone, and its only through what Christ did on the cross that I am able to claim victory over Satan...however, once I claim that victory, there ought to be evidence of that victory in our lives!
We are not saved by our works...they are simply our response to our salvation. When we truly know what God has done for us, and understand the fullness of grace that is represented in the Gospel, our response ought to be to worship Him. We ought to want to produce fruit, to be like Christ, to love one another, to encourage one another, to pray for one another, and to lead others into that same relationship with Christ that we have entered into!
So let me ask you a question that God has asked me daily through my studying of the book of James...is your faith accompanied by works? Is there physical evidence of a saving relationship of Jesus Christ in your life? I challenge you to search your heart, search the scriptures, and truthfully answer that question!
If you haven't ever studied the book of James, I encourage you to do so. Read James everyday for 3 months, and see how God turns your relationship with Him upside down!
Be Blessed,
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