Acceptance or Authenticity?
Question: What is your aim in life? Acceptance, or Authenticity?
Whats the difference?
Well, the difference is the way we live our lives as followers of Christ. To live your life in the acceptance realm, you answer the question: How far can I go and still call myself a Christian? You seem to want to be a christian, but you also want to be well liked by your peers. You might go to church, you might play the part well, but you are hanging on for dear life because eventually the sin will pull you totally away. You are playing the part very well.
Or is your aim in life Authenticity? When you're being authentic, you answer the question How Holy Can I be? You desire to live a life that is pure, a life that is righteous, holy and pleasing to God.
I feel like all to often, we as Christ followers, desire to be liked. We want to sit on the fence. We look great on the outside, but inside we are just desiring to be accepted and not really desiring to be authentic.
Jesus desires us to be authentic in every way, in every area of our life. Our life goal should be, "How Holy Can I Be?" As you go through your day today, ask yourself this question: Are you living to be an accepted Christian, or an authentic Christian?
Be Blessed,
"And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others."
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Not about us
God made a very real truth clear to me today for the first time, and it has changed my outlook on a lot. I have always known that life is not about me, it's not about us, and it's all about Him! However, I never really thought about that concept in the midst of trials. The truth God made clear to me is that even in OUR trials, everything is still about Him. Even in our trials, it's not about us. I am going to leave you with that for the day. I know it is a short post, but it is a meaty truth that I believe you'll need to chew on for a while.
Remember, in our trials, it is still all about Him.
Be Blessed,
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Thanksgiving is a great holiday. All of the food, fun, and family time we all enjoy so much. However, something I realized this thanksgiving is we have so much to be thankful for on a daily basis, why does it take a scheduled day each year to remember it all?
Why do we as humans have to have a holiday in order to tell our parents, or our spouses, or our friends, or our church, or our Savior that we are so thankful for them? Why, 364 days our of the year we take for granted everything AWESOME in our lives we should be thankful for, and put the focus on everything going wrong in our lives. Perhaps, because its easier to forget the good, and focus on the bad.
This year, I want to encourage you, each day to take time with the Lord, with your friends, with your spouse, with your family, and just be THANKFUL, and tell them how thankful you are for their presence in your life.
God has blessed us with so much, an overwhelming amount of blessings that we do not deserve, as much as I love thanksgiving, we shouldn't need a holiday to participate in giving thanks. I am so thankful for you- and impact you have on my life! Rejoice, and be thankful in the Lord today!
Be Blessed,
Monday, November 24, 2008
Well, apparently you can't check your bags more than four hours prior to your flight therefore I am sitting in the airport, and have been for the past few hours. It is an interesting place to hang out, people watch, and interact with new people. It's always funny the type of people you can find in the airport, extremely diverse.
I am waiting for my flight to arrive home after an interesting weekend in Nashville at NYWC. It was a great weekend for fellowship, and to affirm my passion for sound, conservative theology. There were some speakers, and artists that presented such liberal views on theology. I actually walked out of a couple sessions on a couple speakers, and I have never done that before.
There was a few pearls among the weekend, and one of them was Francis Chan. He is always so good, and so transparent. He always shares his heart with such a convicting, real passion. He brought up so many great points about the direction our church is heading, and how we need to make a change and do something about it.
I will write more throughout the week, just wanted to check in- Have a great one-
Ps, we fritz, portis, and I made some dudes blog. It was awesome. Because clinton farted. haha
Be Blessed,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Woo Hoo!!!! I am so fired up this morning! I am leaving in thirty minutes for Nashville!! I am heading to National Youth Workers Convention to hopefully be fed from some awesome worship, learn from some great teachers but most importantly I get to hang the entire weekend with DH, Fritz, and Clinton! It is going to be such an awesome weekend, good for us all to get away and just spend some time together!
However, as I was reading my Word this morning, and doing my devo's listening to Charlie Hall- one of the sentences in his song "Marvelous Light" really struck me-
"Sin has lost its power, Death has lost its sting, FROM THE GRAVE HE'S RISEN VICTORIOUSLY!"
Those words really spoke to me, and just reminded me of the amazing power and love our Savior has for us! It reminded me of the amazing victory we have in Christ! We are fighting battles day to day in this world, but our CITIZENSHIP (phil 3:20) is found in HEAVEN!!! Our reward is far greater than any trial, or tribulation we will face here on earth! As the battles continue to come our way, remember the WAR has already won and we are fighting for the GREAT VICTOR!! There is victory in every trial, and blessing in every tribulation. We as followers of Christ are called not to look to the mountian but to the mountain mover! We are called to look not at the water in front of us, but how Jesus walked ON THE WATER. We are called not to look at the problems in our lives, but the victories that Jesus provides each and every day! I will write this weekend I am sure- pray for fellowship, and growth! Have a great day rejoicing in Christ's victories!!
Be Blessed,
However, as I was reading my Word this morning, and doing my devo's listening to Charlie Hall- one of the sentences in his song "Marvelous Light" really struck me-
"Sin has lost its power, Death has lost its sting, FROM THE GRAVE HE'S RISEN VICTORIOUSLY!"
Those words really spoke to me, and just reminded me of the amazing power and love our Savior has for us! It reminded me of the amazing victory we have in Christ! We are fighting battles day to day in this world, but our CITIZENSHIP (phil 3:20) is found in HEAVEN!!! Our reward is far greater than any trial, or tribulation we will face here on earth! As the battles continue to come our way, remember the WAR has already won and we are fighting for the GREAT VICTOR!! There is victory in every trial, and blessing in every tribulation. We as followers of Christ are called not to look to the mountian but to the mountain mover! We are called to look not at the water in front of us, but how Jesus walked ON THE WATER. We are called not to look at the problems in our lives, but the victories that Jesus provides each and every day! I will write this weekend I am sure- pray for fellowship, and growth! Have a great day rejoicing in Christ's victories!!
Be Blessed,
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lecrae: Rebel
This album is dynamite!!! The words in his songs are so incredible!! I highly suggest you check out the album here:
The song that I am listening to all the time, and has truly spoken to me is "Rebel Intro"...the lyrics are this:
Jesus was a rebel, a renegade, outlaw/ A sanctified troublemaker but He never sinned, naw/ and He lived His life by a different set of Rules/ the culture ain't approve/so you know they had they had to bruise em/ that's the way they do/ man, they swear they so gangsta but everyones the same/ everybody do the same stuff/ tattoos, piercing/ smokin' up and drinking/ money and sex plus them extravagant weekends/man if that's the high life/ I'll puff puff pass that/ you leave evaporated like you missing a gas cap/ I guess I'm passed that/ I am in rebellion/ I'd rather have a dollar in my pocket than a mill-ion/ I'm scared to worship money, and my wants over Elyon/ I'll remain a rebel while the rest of them just carry on/this is what I live fo/ this the hill I'm buried on/ if Jesus is the truth/ that means one of us is VERY wrong/ think about it
Verse 2:
No glory in me/ all glory to the King on the throne (Jesus)/ you either love Him or leave Him alone but you can't do both/ yeah, I know you heard that once in song/ I pray you hear 10 mo fo ya gone/ hey listen up, holmes/ stage is the corner/ crowd is the streets/ And I rap the bread of life cause they dyin' to eat/
I'm a rebel you know the kind that die in the street/Cause you refuse to conform, won't eat the kings meat yeah/ Christ rebelled by shunning the cultured/ He eatin' with sinners/ givin Pharasies ulcers/ He never got married, He was broke and plus homeless/yeah that's the God I roll wit/ ya boy gotta wife and no I neva cheated/ I'm prayin for humility whenever I get heated/ forget about the drugs/ rebel against pornography/ this ain't how it oughta be, homie/ this is how it's gotta be/ A rebel
Those lyrics have so much power. I Just wanted to encourage you today, are you a rebel? IT IS NO LONGER REBELLIOUS TO SIN!! We realize that the Bible says rebellion is SIN, but it is not longer to rebel to sin because EVERYONE IS SINNING. Jesus was a rebel who was counter cultural! Being a rebel is doing what no1 else is doing--standing up for Christ, following Christ, living a life worthy of the Gospel, who is doing that? THAT IS REBELLION in our world because everyone has conformed and accepted sin!
You wanna be a rebel, READ YOUR BIBLE- because no1 is doing it- that is rebellion- thats the only rebellion left!!!
All of this can be found on the Lecrae album, and so much more- I will write about some of the other songs in the future- but I encourage you today, BE A REBEL.
Be Blessed,
The song that I am listening to all the time, and has truly spoken to me is "Rebel Intro"...the lyrics are this:
Jesus was a rebel, a renegade, outlaw/ A sanctified troublemaker but He never sinned, naw/ and He lived His life by a different set of Rules/ the culture ain't approve/so you know they had they had to bruise em/ that's the way they do/ man, they swear they so gangsta but everyones the same/ everybody do the same stuff/ tattoos, piercing/ smokin' up and drinking/ money and sex plus them extravagant weekends/man if that's the high life/ I'll puff puff pass that/ you leave evaporated like you missing a gas cap/ I guess I'm passed that/ I am in rebellion/ I'd rather have a dollar in my pocket than a mill-ion/ I'm scared to worship money, and my wants over Elyon/ I'll remain a rebel while the rest of them just carry on/this is what I live fo/ this the hill I'm buried on/ if Jesus is the truth/ that means one of us is VERY wrong/ think about it
Verse 2:
No glory in me/ all glory to the King on the throne (Jesus)/ you either love Him or leave Him alone but you can't do both/ yeah, I know you heard that once in song/ I pray you hear 10 mo fo ya gone/ hey listen up, holmes/ stage is the corner/ crowd is the streets/ And I rap the bread of life cause they dyin' to eat/
I'm a rebel you know the kind that die in the street/Cause you refuse to conform, won't eat the kings meat yeah/ Christ rebelled by shunning the cultured/ He eatin' with sinners/ givin Pharasies ulcers/ He never got married, He was broke and plus homeless/yeah that's the God I roll wit/ ya boy gotta wife and no I neva cheated/ I'm prayin for humility whenever I get heated/ forget about the drugs/ rebel against pornography/ this ain't how it oughta be, homie/ this is how it's gotta be/ A rebel
Those lyrics have so much power. I Just wanted to encourage you today, are you a rebel? IT IS NO LONGER REBELLIOUS TO SIN!! We realize that the Bible says rebellion is SIN, but it is not longer to rebel to sin because EVERYONE IS SINNING. Jesus was a rebel who was counter cultural! Being a rebel is doing what no1 else is doing--standing up for Christ, following Christ, living a life worthy of the Gospel, who is doing that? THAT IS REBELLION in our world because everyone has conformed and accepted sin!
You wanna be a rebel, READ YOUR BIBLE- because no1 is doing it- that is rebellion- thats the only rebellion left!!!
All of this can be found on the Lecrae album, and so much more- I will write about some of the other songs in the future- but I encourage you today, BE A REBEL.
Be Blessed,
Friday, November 14, 2008
Does growth in a church require change? I believe it does, so what do you do to get people to understand in order for a church to grow, they will have to step out of their comfort zones and accept change. Not only accept change, but put their own selfish desires behind the desires of those in need.
Better yet, what do you do when a church desires no growth? What do you say to a church who is comfortable where they are, and desires no change, which ultimately means they desire no growth? Jesus' only mandated command was to MAKE DISCIPLES....meaning- do not allow the Holy Spirit to be confined to our church doors. We are called to be the CHURCH. We are called to not only change from the inside out, but also go outside our doors and impact this world. God has a WORLD impacting VISION and our churches today are too local, we have put God in a box.
Our churches are turning into country clubs where you have to be a private member to get in and experience the benefits. We are not the church, were just another country club lacking the latest tennis court and swimming pool. If the benefits in our churches are the same as those as a country club, except the community country club has a swimming pool, I'd just join the country club. See, the benefits of being in the church far outweigh being a member of a country club, as long as the church is actually fulfilling its mission, and purpose as the Church of Christ. Where are you attending church weekly? Where are you being fed? Are the benefits of your church confined to hanging out with members, having a good time, and sharing a bunch of laughs? If so, you have entered the world of Country Club Churches. All churches should experience all of those same things but there should be so much more behind each laugh, each member. There should be exponential growth taking place through the multiplication of discipleship.
What is the state of your church, and what can you do as a believer to encourage the Church to desire growth?
Be Blessed,
Better yet, what do you do when a church desires no growth? What do you say to a church who is comfortable where they are, and desires no change, which ultimately means they desire no growth? Jesus' only mandated command was to MAKE DISCIPLES....meaning- do not allow the Holy Spirit to be confined to our church doors. We are called to be the CHURCH. We are called to not only change from the inside out, but also go outside our doors and impact this world. God has a WORLD impacting VISION and our churches today are too local, we have put God in a box.
Our churches are turning into country clubs where you have to be a private member to get in and experience the benefits. We are not the church, were just another country club lacking the latest tennis court and swimming pool. If the benefits in our churches are the same as those as a country club, except the community country club has a swimming pool, I'd just join the country club. See, the benefits of being in the church far outweigh being a member of a country club, as long as the church is actually fulfilling its mission, and purpose as the Church of Christ. Where are you attending church weekly? Where are you being fed? Are the benefits of your church confined to hanging out with members, having a good time, and sharing a bunch of laughs? If so, you have entered the world of Country Club Churches. All churches should experience all of those same things but there should be so much more behind each laugh, each member. There should be exponential growth taking place through the multiplication of discipleship.
What is the state of your church, and what can you do as a believer to encourage the Church to desire growth?
Be Blessed,
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"Come to Me, all you who are weary...."
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:28-30
Essentially, this is how I feel right about now. Weary, and burdened. It is in times like these when my cry out for the Lord is so loud, and His response is so soft. Our God is such an amazing God, He is such a smart Lord. He knows us, every single one of us, He knows, and yet, still loves. He draws us near to Him through some of the most surprising circumstances. It is when we are weak, burdened, and heavy laden...that He is strong, mighty, and most of all--close to us. In every trying situation I am facing, I have always felt the power of God's closeness in my life. It seems everywhere I turn, I can see Him, hear Him, feel Him, and find my rest in Him. My heart is heavy, my shoulders are burdened with uncertainty. However, the one certain, that outweighs all uncertainty is that God loves us, and is in control. The trust I have in the Lord outweighs all uncertainty.
However, the weight of the unknown is pretty powerful, and I am reminding each day that God knows, and THAT IS ENOUGH, despite what we might think. We serve an amazing God, and each and every day I am so thankful for His amazing love for us.
Be Blessed,
Essentially, this is how I feel right about now. Weary, and burdened. It is in times like these when my cry out for the Lord is so loud, and His response is so soft. Our God is such an amazing God, He is such a smart Lord. He knows us, every single one of us, He knows, and yet, still loves. He draws us near to Him through some of the most surprising circumstances. It is when we are weak, burdened, and heavy laden...that He is strong, mighty, and most of all--close to us. In every trying situation I am facing, I have always felt the power of God's closeness in my life. It seems everywhere I turn, I can see Him, hear Him, feel Him, and find my rest in Him. My heart is heavy, my shoulders are burdened with uncertainty. However, the one certain, that outweighs all uncertainty is that God loves us, and is in control. The trust I have in the Lord outweighs all uncertainty.
However, the weight of the unknown is pretty powerful, and I am reminding each day that God knows, and THAT IS ENOUGH, despite what we might think. We serve an amazing God, and each and every day I am so thankful for His amazing love for us.
Be Blessed,
Monday, November 10, 2008
Well, Sarah and I returned home from Mississippi late last night after an incredible weekend of discipleship, worship, fellowship, and friendship. It was great to see Danny and Rach, and meet their beautiful Reese. She is awesome!! She fell in love with her Uncle Toe's immediately! It was so awesome to just be around her, and watch her each day develop a little bit more of a personality! She has such a joyful heart, and is always smiling! It was a treat to be with them for the weekend! REESTER IS A BEAST! :)
The retreat was awesome! Danny and Sarah led worship, and they did an incredible job. It was so spirit-led, and allowed everyone with the best opportunity to worship! The messages went really well, the students were so attentive and respective! I am confident that God worked in many lives this weekend!! He was stirring up hearts all over the place!
I am home for the next few days, then I fly to Columbus Saturday morning to speak at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coaches Ministry banquet Saturday night!! I am really fired up about that! I am also fired up about playing football with some guys from snapshot Saturday morning! Woo Hoo!!
I am fired up about what God is doing in the lives of many around me, and about what He is doing in my life! Thanks for letting me share with you! Have a great day! Go God!!
Be Blessed,
The retreat was awesome! Danny and Sarah led worship, and they did an incredible job. It was so spirit-led, and allowed everyone with the best opportunity to worship! The messages went really well, the students were so attentive and respective! I am confident that God worked in many lives this weekend!! He was stirring up hearts all over the place!
I am home for the next few days, then I fly to Columbus Saturday morning to speak at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Coaches Ministry banquet Saturday night!! I am really fired up about that! I am also fired up about playing football with some guys from snapshot Saturday morning! Woo Hoo!!
I am fired up about what God is doing in the lives of many around me, and about what He is doing in my life! Thanks for letting me share with you! Have a great day! Go God!!
Be Blessed,
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Retreat Approaching!
Good news y'all, Sarah and I are leaving in the morning to fly to Memphis to do ministry at a weekend retreat with Danny's church!! I am so excited! I get to see my best friend, meet his beautiful daughter, and preach the Word! What a weekend! :)
This is now the third retreat I have spoken at this year, and the day before I fly out, I always go over my notes and make any changes. This weekends theme is to Remember, Renew, Remain, and Run! As I was looking over my notes, something struck me today and has stayed with me all day. John 15:4 says, "Remain in Me, and I will remain in you."
I am continually amazed by the love our Savior has for us. As long as our heart remains in Him, He will remain in us. This is such an encouraging scripture to me because I truly believe that Christ desires to fill our lives with His love, His Word, and His Holy Spirit. I truly believe that Christ desires to remain in us, and so he assures us that as long as we are remaining in Him, and finding joy and peace through Him, He is working in us!
He also says in this same chapter that HE IS THE VINE and WE ARE THE BRANCHES. He is the vine, He is the stronghold, we are weak little branches that are made strong by clinging to the vine. I want to encourage you today, and this weekend, to truly remain in Him, cling to the vine, and cling to the Cross. Have a great weekend! Pray for our weekend as DH, and many others minister to many junior high students!
Be Blessed,
This is now the third retreat I have spoken at this year, and the day before I fly out, I always go over my notes and make any changes. This weekends theme is to Remember, Renew, Remain, and Run! As I was looking over my notes, something struck me today and has stayed with me all day. John 15:4 says, "Remain in Me, and I will remain in you."
I am continually amazed by the love our Savior has for us. As long as our heart remains in Him, He will remain in us. This is such an encouraging scripture to me because I truly believe that Christ desires to fill our lives with His love, His Word, and His Holy Spirit. I truly believe that Christ desires to remain in us, and so he assures us that as long as we are remaining in Him, and finding joy and peace through Him, He is working in us!
He also says in this same chapter that HE IS THE VINE and WE ARE THE BRANCHES. He is the vine, He is the stronghold, we are weak little branches that are made strong by clinging to the vine. I want to encourage you today, and this weekend, to truly remain in Him, cling to the vine, and cling to the Cross. Have a great weekend! Pray for our weekend as DH, and many others minister to many junior high students!
Be Blessed,
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
1st Timothy 2
I have currently been studying the books of the New Testament. On Tuesday night with my high school students, we are studying Romans, and on Thursday nights with my junior high students we just finished the book of Galatians. In hopes that they might want to continue doing book studies on New Testament books, I have been studying a few ahead of time incase they decide to choose one. Also, I love studying the writing of one disciple to the next.
Yesterday, I just began 1st Timothy, and today, one day after history has been made, and we as a nation decided who our new president was going to be, I opened my Bible, and began to read 1st Timothy 2. I was overwhelmed by God's ability to speak directly to me on this day in the most perfect way. The very first verse I read today was verses 1-3 which say:
"The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live." (The Message)
I was amazed. Definitely, our God, who is mighty to save, is in total control. He has his hand over our nation, and even in the midst of my doubting, God says, "I am in control, I do have a plan, and it will be executed." So today, on this day of history, I just want to encourage you to obey God's Word, and pray for our future leadership. Whether you agree with Obama, whether you like Obama, whether you voted for him, we now are called to be thankful for him, and pray for him as he is the leader of the land that we all love.
God has a great plan for our nation, and for each of us. I pray each day you will be in your Word, communicating with God through prayer, and spending time in fellowship with those who can encourage you, and love you.
Be thankful and pray for our president because that is what the Word instructs us to do! Have a great day!
Be Blessed,
Yesterday, I just began 1st Timothy, and today, one day after history has been made, and we as a nation decided who our new president was going to be, I opened my Bible, and began to read 1st Timothy 2. I was overwhelmed by God's ability to speak directly to me on this day in the most perfect way. The very first verse I read today was verses 1-3 which say:
"The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live." (The Message)
I was amazed. Definitely, our God, who is mighty to save, is in total control. He has his hand over our nation, and even in the midst of my doubting, God says, "I am in control, I do have a plan, and it will be executed." So today, on this day of history, I just want to encourage you to obey God's Word, and pray for our future leadership. Whether you agree with Obama, whether you like Obama, whether you voted for him, we now are called to be thankful for him, and pray for him as he is the leader of the land that we all love.
God has a great plan for our nation, and for each of us. I pray each day you will be in your Word, communicating with God through prayer, and spending time in fellowship with those who can encourage you, and love you.
Be thankful and pray for our president because that is what the Word instructs us to do! Have a great day!
Be Blessed,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day
Last night, I layed in bed wondering the future state, and leadership our nation was facing. I didn't know what, or who to pray for. I know that all authority is under God, and at this point, on the day of the election, I am still torn as to who God would prefer to be leading our country. However, as I turn on CNN, for some strange reason, God is making it quite clear who He has chosen to lead our nation. I'm not sure why, but I do know that we are called to trust that God is in control, and is over all authority, even our president. This has been one of the most historical elections to this day, and I know it is by far the most historical since I was born, and I am searching to find God in the midst of our future President. Ya see, I am not a big politician, and I do truely believe, that God had picked our president for the next few years long before we had even thought of who it might be, and I am totally confident that God is in control, and will protect our nation, and has a plan and a purpose behind this election.
As I went to the polls today and stood in line for an hour, or longer, watching thousands of people complain about why we didn't have more voting booths, and why it was taking so long to vote. At that moment, I knew that we could figure out the problems with our nation just by standing in line at the polls today. We complain about everything. Paul writes to the people of Philippi, and he says in Chapter 2, "Do everything without complaining," could you imagine what our nation would be like if we obeyed that simple scripture?
I am not out to talk politics, but each day, or every other day, I plan to write and provide the readers with a "word on the way" if you will, a few short thoughts from the life of Toe's and pertaining to God's Word.
My true candidate for president: Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord!
Be Blessed,
As I went to the polls today and stood in line for an hour, or longer, watching thousands of people complain about why we didn't have more voting booths, and why it was taking so long to vote. At that moment, I knew that we could figure out the problems with our nation just by standing in line at the polls today. We complain about everything. Paul writes to the people of Philippi, and he says in Chapter 2, "Do everything without complaining," could you imagine what our nation would be like if we obeyed that simple scripture?
I am not out to talk politics, but each day, or every other day, I plan to write and provide the readers with a "word on the way" if you will, a few short thoughts from the life of Toe's and pertaining to God's Word.
My true candidate for president: Jesus Christ.
Praise the Lord!
Be Blessed,
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