Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, apparently you can't check your bags more than four hours prior to your flight therefore I am sitting in the airport, and have been for the past few hours.  It is an interesting place to hang out, people watch, and interact with new people.  It's always funny the type of people you can find in the airport, extremely diverse. 

I am waiting for my flight to arrive home after an interesting weekend in Nashville at NYWC.  It was a great weekend for fellowship, and to affirm my passion for sound, conservative theology.  There were some speakers, and artists that presented such liberal views on theology. I actually walked out of a couple sessions on a couple speakers, and I have never done that before.  

There was a few pearls among the weekend, and one of them was Francis Chan. He is always so good, and so transparent. He always shares his heart with such a convicting, real passion.  He brought up so many great points about the direction our church is heading, and how we need to make a change and do something about it.  

I will write more throughout the week, just wanted to check in- Have a great one- 

Ps, we fritz, portis, and I made some dudes blog. It was awesome. Because clinton farted. haha 

Be Blessed,

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