Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

Thanksgiving is a great holiday.  All of the food, fun, and family time we all enjoy so much.  However, something I realized this thanksgiving is we have so much to be thankful for on a daily basis, why does it take a scheduled day each year to remember it all? 

Why do we as humans have to have a holiday in order to tell our parents, or our spouses, or our friends, or our church, or our Savior that we are so thankful for them? Why, 364 days our of the year we take for granted everything AWESOME in our lives we should be thankful for, and put the focus on everything going wrong in our lives.  Perhaps, because its easier to forget the good, and focus on the bad.  

This year, I want to encourage you, each day to take time with the Lord, with your friends, with your spouse, with your family, and just be THANKFUL, and tell them how thankful you are for their presence in your life.  

God has blessed us with so much, an overwhelming amount of blessings that we do not deserve, as much as I love thanksgiving, we shouldn't need a holiday to participate in giving thanks.  I am so thankful for you- and impact you have on my life! Rejoice, and be thankful in the Lord today!

Be Blessed,

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